
Committer resources

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Revision as of 15:03, 4 October 2012 by Ghudson (talk | contribs)

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This is information for developers who are committers to our repository.


Where stuff is at

  • Git URL git.mit.edu:/git/krb5.git -- you may need to put "username@" in front if your local username is not the same as your Athena account name.
  • SSH to athena.dialup.mit.edu if you want easy access to AFS, a UNIX shell, etc.
    • You'll need to set GSSAPIDelegateCredentials=yes in order to do passwordless login, because user home directories are in AFS, and the administrators didn't want to confuse users who logged in with Kerberos but couldn't access their files.
  • RT https://krbdev.mit.edu/rt/ (or https://krbdev.mit.edu:444/rt/ if your browser doesn't deal with "optional" SSL client certificate verification)

Accessing git.mit.edu

The preferred way to access git.mit.edu is with GSSAPI krb5 authentication. It is not necessary to delegate credentials.

It is also possible to use publickey authentication. Because Athena account home directories are stored in AFS, there are some extra setup steps required to make sure that the sshd on git.mit.edu can read your public key:

  • Your home directory and .ssh directory must allow list (but not read) access to unauthenticated users. This is generally the case by default.
  • Your .ssh/authorized_keys file must be a link to a directory which allows read access to unauthenticated users. To set this up, you can ssh to athena.dialup.mit.edu and run:
   # mkdir $HOME/.ssh if it doesn't already exist.
   cd $HOME/.ssh
   mkdir pub
   fs sa pub system:anyuser rl
   # Move aside authorized_keys if it already exists.
   ln -s pub/authorized_keys authorized_keys

The contents of your key pair's .pub file should be placed into $HOME/.ssh/pub/authorized_keys.

Finally, you can authenticate to git.mit.edu using password authentication with your Athena password.