RT server configuration
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Revision as of 10:58, 13 October 2017 by Ghudson (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Our installation of Request Tracker is a modified version 2.0.13. Most of the modifications were tracked in CVS; the repository is on drugstore at /cvs/krbdev in the tracking...")
Our installation of Request Tracker is a modified version 2.0.13. Most of the modifications were tracked in CVS; the repository is on drugstore at /cvs/krbdev in the tracking subdirectory. drugstore no longer serves CVS, so the repository must be copied out and checked out locally. A few changes have been made on the running server without version control.
RT has the following perl dependencies, along with the corresponding Ubuntu packages they reside in:
Digest::MD5 perl Storable perl DBI 1.18 libdbi-perl DBIx::DataSource 0.02 libdbix-datasource-perl DBIx::SearchBuilder 0.48 libdbix-searchbuilder-perl HTML::Entities libhtml-parser-perl MLDBM libmldbm-perl Net::Domain perl-modules Net::SMTP perl-modules Params::Validate 0.02 libparams-validate-perl HTML::Mason 1.02 libhtml-mason-perl CGI::Cookie 1.20 perl-modules Apache::Cookie libapache2-request-perl Apache::Session 1.53 libapache-session-perl Date::Parse libtimedate-perl Date::Format libtimedate-perl MIME::Entity 5.108 libmime-tools-perl Mail::Mailer 1.20 libmailtools-perl Getopt::Long 2.24 perl-base Tie::IxHash libtie-ixhash-perl Text::Wrapper libtext-wrapper-perl Text::Template libtext-template-perl File::Spec 0.8 perl-base Errno perl-base FreezeThaw libfreezethaw-perl File::Temp perl-modules Log::Dispatch 1.6 liblog-dispatch-perl
Therefore, the following packages must be installed on the RT server:
libapache-session-perl libapache2-request-perl libdbi-perl libdbix-datasource-perl libdbix-searchbuilder-perl libfreezethaw-perl libhtml-mason-perl libhtml-parser-perl liblog-dispatch-perl libmailtools-perl libmime-tools-perl libmldbm-perl libparams-validate-perl libtext-template-perl libtext-wrapper-perl libtie-ixhash-perl libtimedate-perl perl perl-base perl-modules